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Saturday, November 30, 2013

You, Yes You, Have A Special Assignment

Hello loves! 
As I sat around drinking my coffee this morning (its become routine), I remembered a lesson from a recent bible study I started called She Reads Truth. One of the lessons I read really stuck to my heart and I want to share it with all of you fabulous people! 
In Colossians, Paul is writing to the people of Colossae. Many different versions of the Bible will say different things per verse but the one version that I loved was from The Message. In Colossians 1:1, The Message says,  

  “I, Paul, have been sent on special assignment by Christ as part of God’s master plan.”

Just like Paul, we have been sent on a special mission. God has a specific plan for your life, my life, the neighbors life... everyone! As my bible study said, plug your name into the sentence 

"I, _______, have been sent on a special assignment by Christ as part of God's master plan." 

Wow! Does that not make you want to get up and go exclaim to everyone you know about the good news of God?! About how the God who created all of the heavens and the earth, the animals, and the oceans, loves YOU! And is watching out for YOU every second of every day. You are beautiful because you have been created by a perfect God. You are beautiful because you can choose to believe that God sent a perfect man, Jesus Christ, to live on this earth and not sin at all but to take our sins and die on the cross for everyone! I pray that every single day that I live on this earth will be a part of God's mission and my special assignment. He knows what he is doing! 
So, here's some food for thought, What is your calling? What is God leading you to do? 

Have a fantastic day! 

Friday, November 29, 2013

Lazy Day

As I've sat around my house all day I couldn't help but think about starting a blog. My life is too dynamic to not tell the world about it! 
So, you're probably wondering why in the world did I name my blog Curls in Crestview? I'm a naturally-curly-headed high school student in a good ol' small town ready to break free and approach new crossroads of life. 
High school graduation, college, marriage, there's so much I have still not experienced! I know that God has a great plan for my life and I couldn't be more excited to live out his plan. 
Going to make this blog short, sweet, and to the point! Enjoy your night. :)